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Apostle Olufemi Ajayi

Apostle Olufemi Ajayi

Presiding Apostle @ LPM

David Olufemi Ajayi is the presiding Apostle of Living Power Ministries International. He is the convener of the annual “Prophetic Release Conference”. A platform that uncover the truth and end time mysteries of God’s agenda. He operates under a very strong Apostolic and Prophetic unction with a unique healing anointing, a dynamic leader with a passionate and excellent Spirit to lead God’s people to maturity of faith and their prophetic destiny.

He is well respected for his consistency and integrity in the service of the kingdom of God since June 1985 when he received the call to ministry till date. A keynote speaker at Conferences and Churches around the world. Apostle David Olufemi Ajayi is known for championing the course of revival, reawakening of the spirit and reorientation of the church, the youths and the people of all nations. 

He is a prominent motivational speaker on Relationship and the host of the radio programs Divine Direction and The Take which airs weekly on radio.

He is the director of Dunamis International learning center, an educational institute designed for raising future leaders and ministers of the gospel. He has a mandate to help people find direction for their lives.